Around Königsee – Keep calm and live in the NOW
Living in the moment … This is something hard for me. I always think about what comes next, how to react, etc. It is energy consuming to do NOW and think about NEXT, but I do this quite often.
The hike around Königsee was for me an exercise to live in the moment. If normally I am quite impatient and think what comes after the next curve, how much do we have to go up or down, are we there yet etc. this time I tried to stay calm and remain in the NOW. It was worth to do it because in the end I was mentally relaxed and during the hike I didn’t stress myself with unneeded thoughts.
We did a two days tour around Königsee: 50 km, approximately 3300 altitude difference, sleeping in the tent.

It was an experience I missed, since lately we were more running than hiking. The landscapes around Königsee are always breathtaking.

The hike had all the difficulty levels. The easy paths were good for relaxing, the red ones had spectacular views and the black ones were an exercise of concentration, a good shot of adrenaline and a challenge to stay calm.
I need this mixture from time to time. It makes me feel alive, it is a challenge for the head and awakes the nerves in my body.
Sometimes, when a difficult part comes I panic and cannot move anymore. This is something I have to learn controlling and constant practice helps :).

Somehow during the two days I could remain calm and didn’t complain about the difficulty. Complaining doesn’t help, it just make things worse and lowers your energy.
If there is a hard “path” in front of us, the entire concentration should be on how to get through. And the answer is: Step by Step, keep on going. At some point we will be over and the feeling is gigantic !

At the end of the two days my feet were burning like hell and my body was tired, but my mind was relaxed and I felt somehow stronger.
We are ALL able to do much more than we can think about. We just have to trust ourselves more, try to get out of our comfort zone and keep moving forward, step by step.

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