Birthday hike to Mitteralm
This year I wanted to celebrate my birthday at a hut. I kept thinking about Mitteralm since 2018, when we slept there on Thorsten’s birthday. I love the hut. Is is very romantic, the owner is nice and friendly, food is delicious, breakfast amazing, the rooms comfortable and it’s only a two hours hike from Sankt Margarethen.
Four years ago we hiked up in a stormy, cold, dark evening.

This year we were delighted with sun and a perfect weather.
The hike itself is of easy to middle difficulty I would say. There are more possibilities to get to the hut, but in winter we always took the winter path, starting in Sankt Margarethen. The route begins with around 1 km paved road from the parking place, continues with a forest road for about 1.5 km, then another 1.5 km on a romantic footpath between trees and ends up with around 500 m a bit more steep trail.

Mitteralm is at 1200 m altitude, so there was plenty of snow to enjoy. Thomas and Thorsten never get enough of fresh air, therefore we did short hikes around the hut.

Even if I slept less then 4 hours on Saturday night (somehow Thomas was agitated and couldn’t sleep well) and on Sunday my plan was to hike directly down and then drive home, we still did another short hike on Sunday. In the beginning I was a bit in the complaining mode. But the sun, snow and the silence up there brought back the calm, gave the energy and generated the good mood to enjoy another amazing day in the mountains.

[Parentheses Open : I am doing some experiments lately with myself and try to be more aware of my feelings. Whenever I discover that I am about to complain about something and get annoyed or angry, I ask myself quickly what brings me if I react negatively. I cannot control it all the time, but I see the positive outcome for me and the ones around when I do stop the negative behaviour. And it is just a question that separates me from getting angry: Is it worth it to react negatively ? Parentheses closed]
I really recommend a hike to Mitteralm and also staying over night if you have the time. Look also around the hut because there are a lot of hiking possibilities.

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