Continue being sporty with two small children
How we do what we do ?
Since Thomas and Benedikt were born, we learnt to take every chance to escape in the nature and get a bit of peace. It is quite challenging sometimes and we have to get back the balance and keep us mentally healthy. And we do this through sport, mainly trail running and hiking.
It is only the two of us, we have no grandparents close to us or anyone else who could take care of the children. So they are either with both of us, or we take turns in taking care of them.
We try to spend as much time as possible all together outside, somewhere in the mountains. We do this by going hiking. If before kids our hikes started in the morning, sometimes also at 5 AM and they were definitely longer (even 25 km a day with heavy backpacks), after Thomas and Bene joined us, things changed. We wake up, have breakfast, get the kids ready, prepare the backpacks with all kind of stuff (food for the children, water, changing clothes, pampers, even toys, whatever else is needed depending on the weather), drive for maximum one hour and start the hikes earliest around 11 o’clock. The distances are shorter, the elevation gain is less, but the weight is more. That is why, I consider all the hikes a weight training and I don’t have to go to gym ?.

It is not easy all the time, the kids are not always in the mood for our routes, but we keep doing it. This is what defines us and we promised ourselves, that even with children, we will not stop doing what we like the most. Of course, we have to adapt, but we still enjoy it and the most rewarding is when we see that Thommy and Bene laugh, are happy to walk alone and really like what we do together. This is healthy for them and for us, both physically and mentally. And I can already bet that Thomas will be the next trail runner in the family, by looking how he climbs up and at the speed with which he runs down: no fear, pure joy only.
Trail running
As about the trail runs, we alternate. Of course, Thorsten runs more, longer and more often, but I do my best. When one of us is running, the other one has the fun with the children. We either take turns on the same day, in the morning and in the afternoon, or we each have a day reserved for a longer run. When we come back from the training, even if tired, there is no time to lay on the couch or even have a long shower, because Thommy and Bene demand our attention. But we got used to it and became stronger.

When one of us has a running contest, the other one either stays at home with the small beasties, or joins and cheers the partner on the trails. The second option is not always possible or easy, and it comes with its challenges, but we did this also.

Usually lunch breaks or early mornings before working are appropriated for a short flat run. I am looking forward to summer, to be able to do this. Thorsten tried both already and I am quite envious ?.
The Secret: Sleep Early
I am usually the one in charge with the kids during the night, if they wake up. This became easier for me lately, I got used to it (almost). The secret is: go early in bed! 10 PM is sleeping time!!! Of course, it happens that sometimes it gets late, but we then instantly regret it the next day. That is why, one has to make compromises. For example, if I do not sleep early enough, I do not have so much patience with the children the day after. I miss reading a book before going to bed, but if I see that it’s getting too late, I just skip it. One cannot do everything anymore, at least for now. We even don’t watch a film anymore, if we see it’s too late. Being fully rested the next morning, is our priority.
Tipp: Instead of books, I listen Podcasts as often as I can: on the way to the kindergarten, while having a short walk or running, when doing the laundry or the dishes, when cooking etc. Podcasts, podcasts, podcasts.
Start small
Until now, Thorsten and I completed each other quite well and survived also the training camps with two small kids. It is challenging sometimes, but somehow we manage it. The passion for trail running and hiking is strong, what we additionally need is: determination, a powerful will to not give up our hobbies and a bit of craziness. I think we have all of these and we make use of them. Everything is doable if one is ready to invest the amount of energy that is required for that.
Important: Not everyone should do trail running, hiking, walking, skiing, etc. everything combined and get overtired. One decides alone what is most doable, makes fun and provides the balance that we all need.
So if I dare to give you an advice, this would be:
Start small, having a daily walk to clean up your mind. After a while, both body and mind will ask for more and you can decide then, what “more” means ?.

- Continue being sporty with two small children - January 31, 2024
- “Training Camp” Vacation as a family of four - January 28, 2024
- First Hike as a family of four - November 21, 2023