Hikes to do with babies or afterwork hikes in south of Munich
Hiking with baby is possible !
We love hiking and we promised ourselves that even when the baby is there we keep doing it, even if in the beginning it might be challenging. Thomas is there for over 8 weeks now and we already have done more than six hikes with him. We just did it without thinking too much. Thomas was not yet four weeks old at the first hike, but everyone begins whenever is the right time for them; earlier or later it doesn’t matter. And everyone does it the way they want and suits for them.
As inspiration I usually check what sport activities other parents do with their babies, but I adapt to what we are able to do and what we like. The idea is to not put myself under pressure just because someone already did this and that with their babies.
Being outside is the most important and helps the three of us to relax and have a quality time together. The little one is sleeping most of the time until now and we recharge our batteries.
Hiking helps to relax and recharges the batteries. Get inspired and motivated by the others, but adapt. And never think that something is wrong with you or the baby if you haven’t already done this and that. You have time.
Hikes to inspire you
Following are a few hikes we did until now. Maybe someone finds them motivating and wants to try them. We didn’t use the stroller and the time includes some short breaks for photos or for Thomas to eat. We moved in a relaxed tempo since Thomas is still in the sling.
Schwarzenberg (1187 m ) from Hundham
- Distance: ca. 6 km
- Elevation : 370 m
- Duration: ca. 3 h
- Stroller: No
- Stamina: **
- Managed huts on the way: No (but Tregleralm https://www.tregleralm.de/ can be reached if the route is slightly changed and it is not far away)
- Character: Easy hike which leads mostly on forest roads and finally to the Schwarzenbergalm and to the summit on easy paths. The descent is on a paved road with beautiful views of the villages. At Schwarzenbergalm you can find a refrigerator with some cold drinks: soft drinks and beer, even alcohol-free beer.
- GPX Route: Download here
Mitterberg from Jenbachtal over Niggl Steig
- Distance: ca. 7 km
- Elevation : 390 m
- Duration: ca. 3 h
- Stroller: No
- Stamina: ***
- Managed huts on the way: No (only Cafe Millau at the lower parking place)
- Character: Easy hike which leads on forest roads and easy paths. This is the short variant which starts at the last upper parking place from Jenbachtal. We just did an afterwork hike and we started closer to the summit. Depending on the fitness, the hike can be done longer if you begin from the lower parking place, where Cafe Millau (http://www.restaurantbadfeilnbach.de/) is. Tipp: try the ultra delicious cakes there !
- GPX Route: Download here
Kirchwand from Wallfahrtskapelle Birkenstein
- Distance: ca. 10 km
- Elevation : 620 m
- Duration: ca. 4 h
- Stroller: No
- Stamina: ****
- Managed huts on the way: Yes (Kesselalm https://kesselalm.de/)
- Character: Easy hike mostly combining wide forest and panorama paths. On the way you can enjoy and refill the energy batteries with a delicious Kaiserschmarrn at the Kesselalm and visit a small and beautiful chapel only 5 minutes away from the hut. The views from the chapel are amazing.
- GPX Route: Download here
Seitenalm (to Hochries) from Spatenau parking place
- Distance: ca. 10 km
- Elevation : 620 m
- Duration: ca. 4 h
- Stroller: No
- Stamina: ****
- Managed huts on the way: No (only if you go to the top https://www.hochrieshuette.de/).
- Character: I would describe it as a medium hike. The route goes first on a wide path through the forest for about 1.5 km, then on a wide path for about 2 km and the last part, quite steep, is a single trail with breathtaking views. For a bit of adventure you can follow our route containing an almost forgotten small single trail path which might be hard to find sometimes, or you can go down the same way. It is not a difficult or dangerous hike, but due to the steepness needs a good condition of the parents :). We actually wanted to go to Hochries, but it started to rain and we turned back from Seitenalm. From Seitenalm to Hochries will take approximately 1 h and will add ca. 2 km to the entire distance and around 150 m elevation.
- GPX Route: Download here
Rampoldplatte from Jenbachtal
- Distance: ca. 9 km
- Elevation : 600 m
- Duration: ca. 4 h
- Stroller: No
- Stamina: ****
- Managed huts on the way: No (only Cafe Millau when you start or come back)
- Character: I would describe it as a medium hike. From the upper parking place in Jenbachtal the path goes first on a forest road for about 1.5 km, afterwards through the forest for about 2.5 km and the last part has a beautiful open view for around 1 km single trail. A bit of stamina is required to reach the summit, but it is definitely worth it. Shoes with good grip are required. On the way back you can have a stop by Cafe Millau and refill the used calories by eating a really delicious cake.
- GPX Route: Download here
What to take with ?
We were maximum 4.5 hours hiking until now. Each time we adapted what we took with us. Here is our list as inspiration.
For baby
- Baby sling (Tragetuch)
- Diapers (1 – 4, depends how long the hike is)
- Wet Wipes
- Another set of clothes for the baby (body, trousers, socks, jacket, hut)
- Bottles (1 – 3 until now)
- Milk powder in already portioned container (I bought it from DM https://www.dm.de/babylove-milchpulver-portionierer-p4058172658105.html)
- Thermometer to check the milk temperature (e.g. https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B007NJPN08/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
- Boiled water in thermos (1 hot, 1 not so hot so that we can combine and get fast the needed temperature)
- Cotton cloths (sometimes 1 wet if outside is very hot and we want to refresh Thomas)
- Changing mat
- Trash bag to put the diaper in case we change it
- Baby sun creme (https://www.rossmann.de/de/baby-und-kind-hipp-sonnen-gesichtscreme-lsf-50/p/0000040623849)
- Baby insects protection creme (https://www.dm.de/s-quitofree-soforthilfe-kraeuter-gel-nature-p4010355068774.html)
For parents
- Water and something to eat
- Sun glasses
- Poles ( we didn’t take them yet with us, but maybe at some point)
- Sun creme
- Money
- Another t-shirt for who carries the baby because if it is hot both baby and mother/father will sweat a lot
- FFP Mask
- Handkerchiefs
- Insurance cards (for baby also)
For sure we will learn what else we need during our next hikes. This is a very nice blog where I find a lot of information about hiking with babies and kids: https://www.adailytravelmate.com/category/wandern-mit-baby-kind/
Dare to hike with your baby ! It’s doing good to all of you !
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- First Hike as a family of four - November 21, 2023
Nice share Alexandra. Thanks!
Thank you Riffat ?