How do your (negative) reactions affect the others ?
Have you ever tried to observe yourself as an outsider and see how your reactions affect the others around you ?
Does your cheerfulness generate positive energy ? If you spread good vibes and your optimism is contagious, it is amazing. Keep up the good work ? . You are helping others more than you know it.
But how about your bad mood, does it make the ones around you feel uncomfortable ? We all have our grey days from time to time. What does it mean for the people around ? Do they get it, do we unconsciously make them feel agitated and not knowing how to react ?

I must admit that I cannot control it all the time and I don’t always keep my bad mood for myself. But lately I am quite aware about this and I do try to control it. If I am not able to do so, at least I warn the people around me that I see red in front of my eyes ?.
It is a very interesting experiment to analyse yourself as an outsider. I look at myself from the perspective of another person and I ask myself how do I feel if I am around somebody spreading his nerves around. Well the answer is clear: it is not cool, painful sometimes. And it is just not fair.
So I try to repeat to myself:
- if I have a bad day, it doesn’t mean the other have to have it too. In this case sharing is not caring ?.
- if I cannot keep it for myself, at least I acknowledge it and I might even excuse myself in advance. Good manners are always appreciated ?.
Now seriously, give a try to this experiment and analyse a bit how your reactions affect the others. And always ask yourself how would you feel if somebody else will react as you do ?
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