IATF 2020 – Innsbruck Alpine Trail Festival
Start IATF 2020
“Let the steps be guided by your strong determination, it will make your ‘torture’ easier to support. God will take care of you and I will think about you. Nothing can go wrong. Just do it !” – This was my message to Thorsten when he left for the start of IATF K110, and this was the message to myself while on the trails.
What did we say a year ago ?
Never, ever run long distances without training !!! These were our words last year in Ibiza, at the 3 Dias Ibiza 2019 trail running event (http://trailibiza.com/en-gb/), where we went without being in the best shape.
What did we actually do ?
We ran last week-end at IATF 2020 (https://innsbruckalpine.at/), being probably in a worser shape than in 2019.
- Alexandra – K65 Panorama Ultra Trail – 61 km, 1700 m altitude difference

- Thorsten – K110 Masters of Innsbruck – 103 km, 4400 m altitude difference

The goal was to pass the finish line. For me it was the longest distance I ran at once and didn’t know what to expect. Thorsten already knew what 100 km mean and he was sure it will be cruel.
We both have a very strong will and when we start something, we bring it to the end.
How I pulled it through ?
- Didn’t look back – the finish line was in front of me
- Pushed away the question why I go through this – will do it again with the next occasion anyhow.
- Took care of my body, so he got a lot of sweets, peanuts, cola, magnesium drink, salt, fruits and I changed the running style when it started hurting here and there.
- I drank enough and I ate all the time ????????? .
- Being so hot, I used every spring to reinvigorate.
- I found a pace and kept it. I didn’t care that others were faster – it was a race with myself and for myself.
- Breathing deeply kept me calm and helped against side stitches.
- I ran in “energy economy mode” – whenever it was too steep, I walked up.

Everything went pretty well for me, I must admit that. I could even dance at the finish line ?. The music was good ?.

The power of will
Thorsten is even stronger than I am. His race started at 11 PM, so he ran the whole night.

After only 27 km the cramps were showing up. He ate salt at each add station and got rid of them. But then he got lost on the track for about 2 km. After only 50 km it was clear that the muscles were not playing the game very well. Then the knees started complaining, the blisters appeared at the horizon.

At some point he was himself not sure if he will be able to pull through. But he did it.

Explosion of emotions
When running long distances, at some point it is just a brain thing. The body has no energy and everything hurts. But what really pushes you is the nature around and the people who cheer you up on the way. They clap, scream, sing, tell you that you do a great job ! It is an energy shot directly into your veins.

That is why I do trail running and that is why I take part at contests. This energy and emotions you feel are beyond description. I feed myself with something like this. I cry at the start line and laugh at the end. It is an explosion of emotions, you just cannot control it.
Don’t think too much, just do it !
I push my limits every time a bit more and I feel the progress. We all get stronger by taking us out of the comfort zone. Easy to say, hard to do. What sometimes helps: Don’t think too much, just do it ! Then you have to find a way to pull it through ! And surprisingly, you can do it !
Thank you Innsbruck Alpine Trail Festival 2020 for the experience and Sportograf for the photos ?!

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